This output was generated for this tutorial.
 -----------------------  START BLM -----------------------

 ... Reading lattice data
 ... Generating space group from SPCGRP=R-3M      
     Space group: R-3m       No.:166
     Crystal system: trigonal                      
     Bravais system: rhombohedral; hexagonal axes
     Generators: I R3Z MY                                             

 ... Reading site data ...  3 sites, 2 species found

 ... Reading species data ... species data read for 0 species

 ... Complete basis for supplied symmetry
 SGROUP: 12 symmetry operations from 3 generators

 ADDBAS: The basis was enlarged from 3 to 5 sites
         The additional sites are: 

        ATOM=Te   POS=   0.0000000   0.0000000   2.5538193
        ATOM=Bi   POS=   0.0000000   0.0000000  -4.8185270
 SYMLAT: Bravais system is rhombohedral with 12 symmetry operations.
 SYMCRY: crystal invariant under 12 symmetry operations for tol=1e-5
 GROUPG: 0 generator(s) were added to complete the group
 FIXPOS: shifted site positions by average 2.49e-14

 Lattice vectors : alat = 4.78255 a.u.  vol=1141.20 a.u.

                 Plat                         Conventional unit cell
   1.0000000  0.0000000  4.0154392       1.5000000 -0.8660254  0.0000000
  -0.5000000  0.8660254  4.0154392       0.0000000  1.7320508  0.0000000
  -0.5000000 -0.8660254  4.0154392       0.0000000  0.0000000 12.0463175

 Basis vectors after sorting and shortening:
 site spec        pos (Cartesian coordinates)         pos (multiples of plat)
   1  Te        0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
   2  Te       -0.500000  -0.866025   1.461620   -0.212000  -0.212000   0.788000
   3  Te        0.500000   0.866025  -1.461620    0.212000   0.212000  -0.788000
   4  Bi        0.500000   0.866025   0.803088    0.400000   0.400000  -0.600000
   5  Bi       -0.500000  -0.866025  -0.803088   -0.400000  -0.400000   0.600000

 ... Make sphere radii

 pairc, ib=  1:  45 neighbors in range  2.768*alat =  13.24
 pairc:  45 pairs total  45 is max cluster size

 pairc, ib=  2:  39 neighbors in range  2.768*alat =  13.24
 pairc:  39 pairs total  39 is max cluster size

 pairc, ib=  3:  39 neighbors in range  2.768*alat =  13.24
 pairc:  39 pairs total  39 is max cluster size

 pairc, ib=  4:  45 neighbors in range  2.819*alat =  13.48
 pairc:  45 pairs total  45 is max cluster size

 pairc, ib=  5:  45 neighbors in range  2.819*alat =  13.48
 pairc:  45 pairs total  45 is max cluster size

 makrm0: initial MT radii from first estat potential maximum
  site   spec            rmt       rmt-       rmt-       rold   lock
    1    1:Te           3.0328     0.1303     0.1954     0.0000    
    2    1:Te           2.8374    -0.0651     0.0000     0.0000    
    3    1:Te           2.8374    -0.0651     0.0000     0.0000    
    4    2:Bi           2.8883     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000    
    5    2:Bi           2.8883     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000    
 SCLWSR:  vol = 1141.2 a.u..   Initial sphere packing = 44.6%  scaled to 43.1%
 constr omax1=   0.0   0.0   0.0 %    omax2=   0.0   0.0   0.0 %
 actual omax1=   0.0   0.0   0.0 %    omax2=   0.0   0.0   0.0 %

 ... Create input file actrl.bi2te3